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7 ways for dealing with parents effectively

Dealing with parents can present a challenge when seeking productive outcomes. A good relationship with your parents can significantly impact your personal and professional growth. Here are some effective strategies to deal with parents for productive outcomes.

1. Prioritize Communication

Communication lays the foundation for a healthy relationship, including with your parents. Expressing your thoughts and feelings honestly and respectfully is effective communication. Active listening is just as important to understand your parents’ perspective and concerns.

When dealing with parents, be clear and concise in your communication. Avoid using aggressive language or a confrontational tone as it may lead to a defensive response from your parents. Use “I” statements to express your thoughts and feelings, such as “I feel frustrated when I don’t get enough space to make my decisions.”

2. Establish Boundaries

Setting boundaries is another crucial strategy when dealing with parents. Boundaries refer to the limits and guidelines you set to protect your personal space, privacy, and time. When you set boundaries, you are communicating your needs and preferences in a respectful manner.

Setting boundaries helps you establish a healthy relationship with your parents while maintaining your independence. Set a boundary about your privacy and ask your parents not to enter your room without your permission. Set boundaries around your personal time and ask your parents to respect your schedule.

3. Demonstrate Empathy

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It is a crucial skill to develop when dealing with parents as it allows you to see things from their perspective. Acknowledge their concerns and feelings and respond to them with compassion and understanding.

When dealing with parents, put yourself in their shoes and understand their point of view. If your parents are worried about your career choices, try to understand their concerns and explain your thought process behind your decision.

4. Find Common Ground

Finding common ground is an effective strategy to build a positive relationship with your parents. Common ground refers to the shared interests, values, or goals that you and your parents can connect on. When you find common ground, you are building a bridge between you and your parents, which can lead to productive outcomes.

To find common ground, identify the areas where you and your parents share similar interests, values, or goals. Join a community organization or volunteer for a cause that aligns with your values and interests if your parents are interested in social activism.

5. Practice Patience and Understanding

Dealing with parents can be challenging, and it may take time to build a positive relationship. Practice patience and understanding when dealing with parents, especially when they have different opinions or beliefs. Remember, they are your parents, and they love you, even if you do not always agree with them.

When practicing patience and understanding, avoid arguments or confrontations. Instead, try to understand their point of view and express your thoughts and feelings in a respectful manner. Seek help from a professional counselor or mediator if you are having difficulty communicating with your parents.

6. Show Appreciation

Showing appreciation is an effective way to build a positive relationship with your parents. Appreciation means acknowledging and expressing gratitude for the things that your parents have done for you. When you show appreciation, you are building a bond of trust and respect with your parents.

To show appreciation, express gratitude for the things your parents have done for you, such as providing emotional or financial support. Spend quality time with your parents, share your successes and failures, and show interest in their lives. Doing thoughtful gestures that show your love and gratitude towards your parents, such as cooking their favorite meal or writing them a heartfelt letter, can also help strengthen your relationship.

7. Seek Support and Guidance

Dealing with parents can be challenging, and it is okay to seek support and guidance from others. Talk to trusted friends or family members who have dealt with similar situations or seek professional help from a counselor or therapist. Seeking support and guidance can help you gain clarity and perspective on your relationship with your parents and help you develop effective strategies to deal with them.


In conclusion, implementing effective communication, setting boundaries, demonstrating empathy, finding common ground, practicing patience and understanding, showing appreciation, and seeking support and guidance are crucial strategies for dealing with parents for productive outcomes. Keep in mind that your parents are your biggest supporters, and they want the best for you, even if you do not always see eye-to-eye with them. Developing a healthy relationship with your parents can significantly impact your personal and professional growth and lead to productive outcomes.

Abhyudaya Kashyap

A highly enthusiastic professional with interests in tech, anime, startups, food, games and people. He is an avid reader who loves to play games, meet new people and learn from mistakes.