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6 Ways to be more confident in life

One element that will sail you through your life effectively, no matter what the times are, no matter what the circumstances are, is your confidence. It is something so vital for every aspect of our well-being, not just personal, not just professional, but any and every dimension you can think of. Confidence holds the key to your happiness, to a wholesome life.

The world is out there, full of trials and challenges, you put a foot out and a challenge awaits you, and let me tell you, if you are not confident enough, the doors are more or less shut. Who will trust a fellow who doubts his own abilities? Without confidence, one can never put his energies in the right direction, one after one problems will come knocking at your door, you will find it hard approaching people, making new friends, trying something new, taking risks in life.

At one point, you might even get so frustrated due to the lack of confidence, that you start loathing yourself, and with this feeling of self-loath, you can never lead a peaceful life.

Start building your confidence as early in life as possible, to make one thing clear, it is not a week or month long process, it’s a continuous effort, on a daily basis. To help you with how to stay confident in life, I have written down a few pointers which may be useful.

1. Embrace your quirks

In my opinion, there is no concept such as being “Normal”. I mean we all are different individuals, with our own different touch of weirdness, disparate individuality, and this is what makes us interesting. So, accept your quirkiness with open arms, be who you really are, be authentic, we do not have to be like others at all.

2. Set yourself free from the fear of getting judged

We have this irrational fear of getting judged that makes it difficult for us to take action. Our instant thought is, what will the other person think about me if I do this, if I say this, if I initiate this. My one simple argument is, who are others to judge you, why to give so much authority to anyone, you are the one who should have the control of your life in your own hands, and for once you should not refrain from taking any action in your rational boundaries, just wondering about others.

3. Celebrate every big and small win

Learn to appreciate yourself for all the small and big milestones, give yourself the due credit. Instead of ranting every time for what you couldn’t achieve, spend more time on celebrating what you did. Believe me, the wave of self-belief and confidence that will surge through your body, it will be a game changer for all the upcoming challenges and obstacles.

4. Absorb the positivity around

The more positively you relate to your surroundings, the better it is for your confidence. Try to not use the negative connotations in your day-to-day life, instead of saying “I won’t be able to do this”, say “I will try my best, and we will see the rest”. Conditioning your mind negatively will shatter your self-belief, and once belief is shattered you might fail at tasks that are actually in your ambit. There are always two lenses to look at the world, you just have to pick the right one.

5. Network, interact and participate

Try approaching as many people as you can, whether you are in high-school, college, or you are a work professional, always try to connect with people, share your thoughts with them, listen to theirs. Once you commence this habit, it will translate into you being very confident and easy around people and relationships, and believe me, good strong relations with people will benefit you more than anything else.

6. Form Healthy Habits

This is from my personal observation, that if you inculcate healthy lifestyle and food into your daily routine, you will stay more confident, because it’s there in a corner of your mind that you are consuming healthy food, you are fit, both mentally and physically. So basically it’s like that the confidence you have regarding your mental and physical health, translates into a similar kind of confidence in your life as a whole.


Life will not always be a smooth ride, there will be steep slopes, sharp turns, bumpy turfs, but one thing which will help you tackle all these is your confidence. Where there is confidence, there is hope, and to gain it we just have to work on small-small things, day by day, and trust me it’s not that difficult.

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