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4 ways to improve communication skills

Communication is the act of exchanging information. Good communication skills enable a person to express thoughts clearly without any misinterpretation. Though some of us are naturally good communicators, we can all learn to improve our communication skills. Here are 4 ways to improve your communication skills.

1. Active Listening

Various studies stress the importance of listening to improve communication skills.

Active Listening helps in decoding the message sent by the speaker clearly to improve mutual understanding without misinterpreting and misjudging a conversation.

To become a better communicator, you need to intently listen to the speaker and show genuine interest in the conversation. The way you listen to the speaker impacts the speaker thereby impacting the overall quality of conversation.

Start Listening actively by putting a premium on “being present.” Take a deep breath and create a mental and emotional connection with the speaker. Do not multitask but devote all the time to that one person.

If you are thinking about the next thing you have to do or, worse, the next thing you plan to say, you aren’t actively listening.


How can you get better at Active Listening?

  1. While listening to the speaker suspend judgment and keep an open mind
  2. Remove distractions like a mobile phone between you and the speaker
  3. Use verbal and nonverbal signals like head nodding, leaning forward or backward, “uh-huh”, “oh really”, “yes” etc to show interest
  4. Asking questions to the speaker preferably open-ended to help the speaker open up and explore his/her thoughts and feelings.
  5. Paraphrase to summarize what was said to clarify and confirm correct understanding

2. Remove Unimportant Words

Filler words are any sounds, words, a speaker uses during a speech to fill in silence or a gap. Speakers use them without even knowing it. Filler words are meaningless and do not add value to your message. You might even seem unsure and unclear about the message you are giving.

Limit the use of your filler words to a minimum to create a more concise and logical statement that will hold the attention of your reader. Instead of using words like “Uhm”, “mmm” try to take brief pauses to organize your thought and speak.

How to remove unimportant words from speech?

  1. Record yourself or ask a friend to help you identify the filler words you use during speaking
  2. Slow down your pace of talking to give yourself the time to think about what you’re going to say next
  3. Use words like ‘moving on to’, ‘on the other hand’, ‘let’s go back to’  to make your speech flow so much more smoothly
  4. When giving a speech or presentation, prepare well in advance and practice to produce fluency while speaking

3. Body Language

Your state of mind and your interest in a conversation can be judged by your body language. Non-verbal communication says more about you than your actual words.

In fact, statistics show that communication is made up of an incredible

55% physiology,

38% tone of voice

and 8% is the actual words we use.

Nonverbal messages are multi-channel involving eyes, facial expressions, feet, body position at the same time and the listener can easily pick up on any discord between your nonverbal and verbal communication.

By being aware of nonverbal communication you can interpret the signals of others or send signals to others. This can also help you to project an image of confidence and knowledge, demonstrate power and influence and create trust.

The most important things to manage in a conversation are eye contact and the use of limbs. By becoming more conscious of the way you use your eyes and move your limbs, you can reinforce the effect of your words and encourage the other person to contribute more fully to the conversation.

Nonverbal Communication in the Workplace

How to use Body Language to improve communication?

  1. Lean slightly forward and face the speaker to show your interest and engagement
  2. Do not adopt defensive positions like sitting with arms crossed over your chest.
  3. Make eye contact but frequently break eye contact so that it does not result in staring
  4. Do not turn your body away from the speaker

4. Practice Communication

Treat your communication skills as a muscle that can be improved over time with deliberate and constant practice. Developing communication skills begins with simple interactions.

Effective Communication: The 3 Things We Should Know and Practice -  EqualLevel

How to practice communication?

  1. Take some time and care to recognize and note how you communicate with those around you. Analyze your speaking style including tone, volume, and diction.
  2.  Monitor your improvement areas by identifying problems, conflicts, or contradictions in how you communicate with the world
  3. Try conversing with family/friends or colleagues and get honest feedback from them to identify areas where you need to improve
  4. Form a local group of friends or colleagues with the shared goal of improving your communication skills

It is important to be patient throughout the process as self-improvement on any scale can take considerable time and review your progress regularly.

You can also take assistance programs or enroll yourself in seminars or hire counselors to help you progress in the journey. New skills take time to refine, but each time you use your communication skills, you open yourself to opportunities and future partnerships.


Effective communication skills are needed to live a happy and fulfilled life. This includes happier marriages, better friendships, relationships, and better careers.

No matter wherever you are in your life you can always follow the 4 ways explained above to improve your communication in life.

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